Mommy Makeover

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Do You Need a Mommy Makeover in Chicago?

Becoming a mother can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a woman’s life. However, pregnancy and child birth can alter the appearance of a woman’s body and leave her missing the way she once looked. Fortunately, the professionals at the Michael Horn Center for Cosmetic Surgery can perform a Mommy Makeover in Chicago, which can repair much of the damage done to your body as a result of your pregnancy, allowing you to restore your beautiful body.

The Changes of Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your body goes through a vast number of changes that will leave your body scarred and out of shape. Some of the most common changes include enlarging breasts, a stretched-out abdomen, weight gain throughout the body and more. While the pregnant body is beautiful, the effects it leaves behind often leave much to be desired. As your breasts return to a normal size, they often sag and aren’t as shapely as they once were. Your abdomen may continue to protrude and be riddled with stretch marks. You may also have stretch marks on other parts of your body. What can you do? A Mommy Makeover in Chicago can be just the solution you need.

What Does It Include?

A Mommy Makeover in Chicago can be just about anything you need it to be. Our cosmetic surgeons will sit down with you and go over the changes that occurred that need our attention. We can help you determine which procedures should be part of your makeover. For many women, a breast augmentation is the best way to resolve sagging breasts and restore them to their former size and level of perkiness. Some of the other common procedures included in this makeover include liposuction to remove unwanted patches of fat, body sculpting to change the contour of your body and abdominoplasty to reduce the pouch you may have been left with. We can help you reshape your body so you can love yourself all over again.

When to Have Your Makeover

Many women aren’t sure when to undergo their Mommy Makeover in Chicago. Some women want their body back as soon as they are done with their first pregnancy. However, if you plan on having more children, it’s often best to wait and have the procedure done after you are completely done having children. Getting these procedures done and having more children will often reverse the benefits so you need to undergo the procedures again. Even if you are done having children, it is often best to wait until you have lost all of the baby weight, which can take at least a year. Waiting will ensure your Mommy Makeover provides the results you are looking for!


Contact us today to schedule a consultation for your Mommy Makeover in Chicago.